Saturday, September 15, 2012

Toy Run

We just finished with soccer and I saw people lined up on the side of the road.  I had totally forgotten it was the Toy Run today and guess who would be riding in it?  Grandpa!  30 minutes of all shapes and sizes of motorcycles = Thousands of bikes for a great cause!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Woah! What a ...FROG!

This big guy came into the garage one night and has been visiting regularly since!  I thought it was the birds eating the dogs leavings, but maybe this guy has?  Tanner was brave enough to touch him, but even he wasn't so sure!

Friday, June 15, 2012

A Van Milestone

The van has hit 100,000 miles!  We bought the van with less than 300 on it, so you can tell we have been going, going, going with it!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Lunches, Lunches, Lunches!

The kids are participating in a gymnastics camp this week and everyday they are to bring a lunch.  This will be what it is like once Tapanga starts going to school!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Walk in the Park

It was just Tapanga and I tonight, the boys were away in a boyscout camp out. After going out to dinner with my parents I asked Tapanga if she wanted to go to the greenway where I can walk and she can ride her bike. We had a nice time walking even seeing deer along the way. The deer was so close we could almost reach out and touch it! As we were walking I kept looking for markers that would tell us how far we had gone but I didn't see any. We turned around on the bridge and on the way back Tapangas bike broke! The chain came off. I tried to fix it with no luck. Of course this is when I notice a marker. We had gone over a mile! Which now means... I will be carrying her bike for a mile to get back to the car! All in all it was a beautiful walk with nice weather and scenery!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Muddy boy

We spent the afternoon at Susan's house. The big kids played in the pool which created a small mud pit that baby Jax found!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Girls Day Out

After taking students to Holiday World, Sheila said she wanted to go back just adults and do the water park.  So we did!  Five of us went and had a great day, we rode rides, ate junk food and stayed out late!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Love me some rolls!

After our weekend camping trip we wanted to stop for lunch at Lamberts. This is actually part of the reason we chose our camping location! Lamberts is a restaurant that throws rolls around to its customers. Look at moms big salad! If you plan to go make sure you are willing to wait, the line forms fast!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sleepy girl

Tapanga feel asleep on the way to Missouri. She looks a little uncomfortable.

Friday, May 25, 2012


Tanner loves Legos! When we went to Oprymills with Liz and Marijka we had to go in the Lego store because all the kids wanted to check it out. Tanner loved this pirate ship and (he doesn't know this) but I just found it on clearance for CHEAP he will flip when he gets it for Christmas!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Notes from my students

It's the end of another school year and I am ready for a break! Every year there are some students you will miss and some you will not! This has been a long year and I didn't feel a huge connection to many students, but when you see notes like these you start to realize what you meant to some students. Best of luck to all of them!

Friday, May 18, 2012

We got a new catcher!

Tanner got to play catcher today. He is so cute in all that gear, which is almost bigger than he is!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Friday, May 11, 2012

We won!

My 8th graders pulled in a win today at the middle school math contest! I was very excited as were they, many of them had been with me since the 6th grade so this was a great way to finish out the middle school years! (Not a great picture, but the best we have!)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What happened here?

What in the world happened here?  I heard this big thump and found Tanner flopping around!  It seems he didn't tie his shoes and got caught in the door!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

75 points!

Tanner really got into earning the AR points this year. He got up to 75 points right at the end of the school year. His class had over a thousand points just by themselves. (If your wondering, Tyler did not get into this. As a matter of fact he didn't get 10 points all year.)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Dancing Fun

Tonight is the 8th grade dance at school and this year I am bringing a guest...Tapanga!  Of course, we had to dress up.  Tapanga had a blast, she loved all the pretty dresses and dancing!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Kindergarten Round Up

Tapanga is ready for Kindergarten!  Kindergarten round up tonight...she is enrolled!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Playing Games

The boys love to play games on our phones.  This is such a cute photo of both boys playing on the phones.  Notice Tylers feet, one sock on, one off!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Oh, what a mess!

I don't like or condone this type of mess from the boys.  Last time this happened, I didn't get a picture of it because I was seeing RED!  This time I was still seeing RED, but decided to document for any future girlfriends!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Pretty Nails

We all went to get our toe nails done today!  What a sight Tapanga and Great Grammie enjoying some pampering time together!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Then looks like THIS!

I have been eyeing this at Lowes for awhile and we finally decided to buy it!  Doesn't it look great!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

One Saturday, it looks like this...

When we built the house 3 years ago, to save money we put in this pedastal sink in the guest bath downstairs.  I never liked it much, it looks fine and all, but it has no storage...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

What a cute cake!

One of my team teachers is having a baby.  So along with another teacher we threw her a school baby shower and this is the cake!  I LOVE the cute little monkeys on it!  The teacher that made this cake did the monkeys free hand from a picture...what talent!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012

Radio Station Visit

The Tiger cubs are required to do a series of "go see its" for boy scouts. Today, was the radio station where they got to learn the ins and outs of how the radio station works and even got to talk into a radio and hear how their voices can be manipulated.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Nice Soak

We were having a nice lazy Sunday and I really felt like soaking in the hot tub. Thomas came out and joined me, it was nice and quiet till the kids found us!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Visit with Cousin Marijka

Liz, JT, and Marijka came for a visit today. We had a great time to include a Nerf gun fight where everyone got in on the action! Liz and JT came this way because they really wanted to go to Campbells Kitchen so of course we had to go get dinner there!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Snow Day!

We didn't get much snow, but with cold temperatures and snow we got some nasty roads. Nasty enough to close schools and give us a nice four day weekend!

Thursday, January 12, 2012


I know its still early in the winter season, but I was really thinking we weren't going to see snow this year. Instead, we saw snow today! Snowed most of the day, the kids at school were CRAZY! By the time the boys got home we had a nice little dusting and Tanner and Tapanga wanted to play in it!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Whats for dinner?

Tonight was another dinner of various items. Hot dogs, steak, bratwurst, pancakes, noodles, green beans...oh my!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Skate Night

Every month Liberty has a skate night and tonight was it! This was actually the first one we went to. And this was actually only our second time skating, the first was at the Nolan's birthday party in September, but the kids had so much fun then I thought they would enjoy it again! There was a lot of falling down, but there was also a lot of getting back up! As I watched the kids they looked they were having so much fun I decided I wanted to get out and join them! Thomas is a natural, me on the other hand not so much, but I tried! (Picture of me didn't come out so well!)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Pancakes for Dinner

I am NOT someone that likes to have breakfast for dinner! Tonight I was trying to figure out what to make for dinner and I was craving pancakes, but Thomas and I are on a pancakes for me! I did make pancakes for the kids and Thomas cooked hot dogs and bratwurts on the grill for us!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Lunch with the In-Laws

Mike and Diann watched the kids for us last night and invited us to join them for lunch today at Red Lobster. Yummy lunch! Sorry for the poor picture quality it's from my phone!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Date night

Thomas and I were able to go out tonight just the two of us! I had read the dragon tattoo series and really enjoyed it and wanted to see the movie so that was stop number 1. After the movie we tried the adults only restaurant in town before going grocery shopping. The movie was pretty good it followed the books closely. The restaurant was ok, but to pricey for the quality.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Same name

Today I had a doctors appointment and as I was leaving I saw the listing of other doctors in the building, one of which is named Thomas Doyle. That's Thomas' name, weird I know but I found it funny! Too bad my Thomas doesn't earn a doctors salary.

Thursday, January 5, 2012